"My favourite" bug has bitten all the bloggers. With many list of the ilk are filling the webpages of most, it had kinda swung me as well. Even if you don't welcome it, you have no other option but to read this seemingly ridiculous moments. Read between lines to decipher the "deeper" meaning of it.
So here it goes.
It feels wonderful
i) when an early morning calls wakes me up showering praises on my report that got into paper that morning before adding, with a liberal dose of hesitancy, that there was a spelling error in a proper name or missing of the date of occurence. I adore these people who know the knack of making one's day by bringing the good things to the fore and saving the blunder for the later part, no matter howmuchever striking the mistakes are.
ii) when i turn down high-tea and lunch offers at press meets only to wait an hour more to reach home and hog mom's cooking. Try this once and you will learn to appreaciate the gourmet queen at home.
iii) when i receive an in-land letter from a long-lost school/college friend, residing in an area that needs the mention of taluk, post and district for identification. I treasure them more carefully than my bath oils.
iv) when i stand beside my faculty coyly during my visit to the college for a coverage, hearing them saying "she was our student. we miss her" to every other chief guest who grace the events.
Well, there are lots of other "feeling wonderful" moments but wrapping this up here owing to overwhelming requests from my side. Come to think of "deeper meaning".. if you still couldn't find anything deeper than commas and fullspots, drop that. Neither can I.